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Bob's OB Experience at 70
Inspirational My Course

What makes a great 70th birthday present? An Outward Bound course, of course! Read Bob's first hand account from when he first discovered he was going to OB, to when he completed his 8 days in Anakiwa.

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Opening of the Levene Lodge
News from Anakiwa Project Refresh

We recently opened the much anticipated Levene Lodge staff accommodation! Named after our patron Sir David Levene and blessed by Te Ātiawa, the lodge has been sustainably designed to house our instructors and have a light footprint.

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Hillary 71 back together… 50 years on
Life after OB

In October 1969, 14 young men met in Anakiwa and would become Hillary watch 71. Fifty years on, in November 2019, nine of the watch members got together in Picton for a weekend reunion.

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Fostering Intercultural Understanding
My Course Life after OB

First year university student Dima Alsheikh recently completed an Outward Bound ‘Southern Cross’ course; her experience was so profound she is passing the baton on to her younger siblings in the hope they too will discover there is 'more in them'.

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Feeding the Good Taniwha
Inspirational Life after OB

Our Hiringa schools course has been offered to Year 12 students in the Auckland region since 2013. In 2019, a second Hiringa course was added. Read how these courses have had a positive impact on the lives of these 28 students.

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Paige's Journey
Inspirational Life after OB

"Being at Outward Bound showed me how happy I can be. I came back more confident and found what I’m capable of." Paige's journey to Outward Bound wasn't easy. But she is now excited about the future and unlocking her potential since completing her course.